Decision to Get Married Again After a Divorce

Restore Marriage Later Divorce


Audrey M. Jones Audrey Thousand. Jones

Audrey has a Juris Doctor from Stetson University College of Law and a Available of Arts in English language from Trinity University.

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reconciling couple in counseling

You bickered constantly and despite your all-time efforts, couldn't get it to work. So you saw each other again, and things seem better. That same chemistry is there, and you find yourself in a position to consider remarrying your ex-spouse. Do these relationships ever piece of work? Every bit with all marriages, the answer lies in what both partners are willing to practice to make the human relationship piece of work for the long booty.


Dr. Nancy Kalish has researched rekindled romances since the early on 1990s. Her enquiry focuses on couples who reconnect with ex-partners after a five-twelvemonth break. The first phase of her research, which ended in 1996, consisted of approximately one,000 survey respondents. In the finish, Kalish found that, overall, about 6% of couples who married and divorced ended up remarrying each other, and 72% of reunited partners stayed together.

Reasons People Want to Remarry a Spouse

There are many different reasons why spouses make up one's mind to become back together. Additionally, each remarriage may involve one or more impetus for revival.

Distance Makes the Heart Abound Fonder

Sometimes couples practice not realize exactly what they hateful to each other until they take divorced. Even in separation, the couple may non feel disconnected enough from each other.

Time to Reflect Makes Anger Misemploy

It can exist much easier to reflect on the relationship when you take fourth dimension away from it. Subsequently some time, your negative emotions will not be as potent as they were while in the marriage, and you lot volition begin to see your part in the marriage'due south failure. Acknowledging what yous could have done meliorate is the offset step in reconciling and working on the human relationship.

The Grass May non Be so Green

Some people think that things are always improve - that the grass is greener - anywhere else but in their current situation. After experiencing the single life, some people may realize that at that place is no i else as groovy as their former spouse.

Personality Changes and Renewed Dearest

People change as they grow older, but this does not mean that couples have to grow apart. A marriage may accept ended because spouses modify, only they may also change once more afterward in life and notice that they once more love each other.

Should You Effort to Restore Your Spousal relationship?

Jim Solomon, a advisor who specializes in helping married couples, says there are good reasons to restore a marriage, although he says getting back together is not for everyone. While many counselors encourage couples to remarry if possible, Solomon says that in some cases, reconciliation is unadvisable.

Accepting Culpability

Often times, one or both spouses is hesitant to recognize their contribution to the disintegration of a wedlock. Solomon says that this hesitancy is a good indicator that the couple in question is non ready to become dorsum together. In order for remarriage to be succesful, both spouses have to recognize that they each played a part in their matrimony's demise.

Inverse Behavior

So often, Solomon says, couples tend to justify and rationalize their behavior (or their former spouse'south beliefs) without ever taking steps towards actionable change. He syas that in social club for a re-marriage to piece of work, both partners must demonstrate a real change in actions, attitudes and behavioral patterns.

Changed Expectations

Often times, ane of the factors in a marriage's downfall is that one or both partners have unrealistic expectations. Solomon says that in order for a couple to successfully reunite, a couple has to have realistic expectations for themselves, their spouse and the spousal relationship in general. According to Solomon, counseling tin can go a long way towards helping spouses arrange their existing expecations and forming new, realistic and healthy expectations.

Steps to Take to Make Remarriage Work

Some things can increase the chances for success in marriage the second time effectually. Making your relationship last volition take work and dedication, as well as the right set of circumstances.

Seeking Counseling

Yous don't desire to showtime your relationship with the same issues you had before. Even if you feel these problems practise not bother you, they still need addressing. Counseling as well helps you lot acquire how to keep communication open between you and your mate. According to Solomon, marriage counseling and pre-marital counseling are a must for a successful remarriage.

Retrieve Y'all Are Marrying the Same Person

Fifty-fifty though you and your mate may have changed over the years, there are likely still some ways y'all are the same. Learning to deal with the things that bothered y'all previously and which still occur is essential to not growing frustrated with them all over again.

Be Prepared for Hard Work

Being married, and restoring a union in particular, requires lots of work and effort. Fix yourself to piece of work hard to brand your new marriage work.

Consider Creating a Prenuptial Understanding

Many people who remarry their ex-spouse determine to use a prenuptial understanding to protect themselves. This may exist a sensitive issue for both parties, merely many people feel better near their commitment when they know that their assets will be protected if the spousal relationship ends once again.

Staying Positive

When you marry your former spouse, yous may hear a lot of ridicule from family unit members and friends. The almost of import matter to keep in mind is to stay positive. If you offset to mind to what they say, y'all will begin to believe in it yourself and your spousal relationship may suffer because of it. Instead, thank your loved ones for their concerns, assure them you both program to piece of work hard on your relationship this fourth dimension around, and would capeesh the back up.

Restoring Your Marriage

If you remember that restoring your matrimony to your ex-spouse is the all-time determination for everyone involved, y'all should also realize that the task requires large amounts of piece of work. In the end, however, with your unabridged family living together under the same room, yous may just find that everyone is happier.


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