what happened to margos eye in the magicians

Alice and Christmas tree in The Magicians

Photo: James Dittiger / SYFY

This The Magicians review contains spoilers.

The Magicians Flavour 5 Episode 13

In that location was no mode that The Magicians was going to be able to wrap up its five yr run without displeasing fans simply past ending, but "Fillory and Further" provided a surprising amount of closure and a happier conclusion than nosotros're used to with this evidence. Compared to the death and dismemberment at the end of season one, the turning off of magic in flavour two, Eliot being possessed in season three, or the death of Quentin in season four, the separation of our group between World and the new world is downright hopeful as finales go. Fifty-fifty the loose threads that remain brilliantly permit for fans to draw their own conclusions about where the take a chance would go from here.

That's not to say there weren't sacrifices. The loss of Zelda would accept been a lot to bear had there been a flavor six, merely as it was there was a certain "helm going down with the ship" attribute to her sacrifice. At least she died in the library, and as she said, "For a librarian, decease is not the stop, it's just a transfer to another branch." Also, the separation of Eliot and Margo was painful even if we consider that there would accept been a quest to reunite them, and that's not even taking into account the other friends who would miss each other.

As for the blossoming human relationship betwixt Eliot and Charlton… well, okay, it was cute, and the trunk merchandise with Hyman was a nice manner to set that up since the pervert Traveler was clearly non enjoying corporeal beingness. But fifty-fifty though the ancient Fillorian and the one-time High King have bonded through having both been a vessel for the monster, the connectedness doesn't seem strong enough to placate The Magicians fans looking out for Eliot'southward happiness after the loss of several boyfriends and of course Quentin over the seasons. It felt like he was settling for Charlton at best.

What was absurd, though, was the use of the bracelet from Santa to let Eliot to encounter Charlton beneath Hyman's pare. In fact, all of Santa'due south gifts were beautifully conceived since they were not but perfect for the intended recipient only too seemed designed for them to give to someone else. Josh made the ham sandwich with microplaned truffles for Margo, and she in turn gave the necklace with the fairy eye back to him. Even Alice's page could be said to have been for the population of Fillory rather than for Alice alone, and the fact that Santa rather than Quentin was the 1 who guided her to that quest gave her agency over her ain destiny, which was a squeamish touch on.

Okay, and then Fen's knife sharpener was just for her, and the parenting gear was more than for Penny and Julia than it was for their daughter, Promise Quentin. But too that not bad baby proper name, it was really surprising how well Stella Maeve's real life pregnancy gave her character a new sense of management here at the end of The Magicians ' run. At mantle, she'southward nonetheless in questing manner, but what could have been a destructive bond between Hope and her not-psychic female parent only becomes a returning of familiar powers to Penny. It was a completely perfect but unexpected ending for the couple who clearly would take go instrumental in finding the lost companions.

And their solution came from such a surprising source: the original Dean Fogg himself! His render having come from the banishment of Psycho Fogg to the etheric realm, information technology was a brilliant misdirect to have his actions seem to bound from another type of psychosis. Later on all, we knew that Plum'southward remaining time travel mojo would take to be useful for something, simply the idea that she already used information technology to try and salve Julia — and we were already witnessing the redo with a self-aware Fogg — was a mind-fuck worthy of the magnitude of a serial finale.

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And if the thought of Fogg returning to his timeline repeating means from flavor i wasn't bringing things full circle enough, in that location was the completely shocking return of mayhap the grandest of The Magicians villains, Martin Chatwin. We should take suspected a Fillory and Further connection once we learned of the Night King's true identity (not to mention the episode title), simply the Animate being'south final deception, posing as Rupert'southward long lost beloved Lance, was truly devious and unanticipated. His defeat was as spectacular as the sundering of Fillory itself, and the continued beingness of Rupert and his sister Jane in her piffling bubble of fourth dimension was only icing on the cake.

In the end, all of these narrative details fabricated this an undeniably successful serial finale for The Magicians . The tears in Margo's optics as she tells Josh and Eliot that she lied about the shortcut to the portal tree, the modify in Fen's tone as she realizes Fillory was a bit backwards in its ways, the i-handed casting with internal circumstances that immune Alice to join in the world-blooming spell — it all heightened the emotion of the episode so much that when Margo finally pushed the button on the seahorse lifeboat, the click and cutting to credits was enough to make the most stoic fan weep that this most wonderful of shows has ended.


Source: https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/the-magicians-season-5-episode-13-review/

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