My Toddler Started Moving His Fingers Funny

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Baby twirling wrist and opening and closing hands when excited

Hi everyone! My 7.5 month old son just began this when he gets really excited or before he eats sometimes. He only does it a few times then stops. Is anyone else's baby doing this? I get so scared with autism signs etc. Otherwise he is happy and trying to crawl, babbling, playing with others. Any advice or thoughts would help! Thanks!


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Sounds pretty normal to me. My daughter lifts both arms up and twists her hands in excitement when she hear Elmo's Song play. Then she kind of rocks back and forth as if she's dancing. Soo cute!

My son does it as well, at first I thought he was signing 'Milk' as we are teaching him how to sign but then I realized he does it at random times so I figured he can't just want milk all the time. There is a 9th month old in our building and his mom said he used to do that at 6mo.


Thank you! I feel better!

My son likes to do it with his pacifier in his hand lol. Looks like he's making it fly around. Very cute :)


Hi, I know this is an old response. I was wondering did your child twirl just his pacifier or other objects too and how often? When did your child stop twirling his pacifier? My child does this and I am concerned.

I think that's normal. My oldest did something like that. It was almost like he was starting a motorcycle. LOL he would put his hand or hands up in the air and do what you described. He is totally fine and 3 years old.

My son was doing this nonstop for probably a month and now only does it when he's excited/about to eat as well. I was getting really scared and mentioned it to my doctor and she said they are just learning how to use their hands and as long as everything else is on track (milestones, responding to their name) there is nothing to worry about.

One of my twins does it with both his hands and feet and pedi said its normal

Mine does this all the time... Super cute. It would never occur to me to be concerned about this. I don't really get why it would be concerning?


It can be a sign of autism. My pedi said at this age it's completely normal especially if they respond to their name and follow you around but if it is still happening at 18 months or so it would be a concern.

We make a joke that he's practicing riding a motorcycle lol people think it's hilarious when they see him doing it in the stores. I'm not concerned about it though.

My son does it and kicks his legs when he's super excited. Mostly when he wants a certain person to pick him up. Lol. It's so cute! He will squeal too


Adorable! Thank you!

Thank you all for your input!

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